Monday, May 4, 2015

A quick Introduction to Online Banking in China

online banking
Online banking    photo from
Are you stressed with always have to go and make long queues in order to buy train or flight ticket? Are you sick of the fact that the sellers take advantage of you being a foreigner and make you pay higher prices than normal just because you can’t make your own online payment to purchase affordable Taobao prices? Or do you feel inconvenience that you can’t have your account under your control without visiting the sometimes rare ATM machine? No matter where you belong, I tell you can finish all these problems by simply opening an online banking account.How to apply?well,below is a quick procedure:
When to apply
Typically, anybody can apply for online banking and it’s always easier and convenience when you include the application when applying for the bank ATM card. This way you’ll be given a ATM card and online banking access USB.
How to apply
The procedure is extremely simple, just fill in the required blanks and it’s over. Note that in the choice of USB or card, always select USB. Using that card with many numbers can be really troublesome and confusing especially if you have never used it before. Using a USB device should be your choice as its simpler and easier to use.
Application materials
This vary from banks to banks but of course you need your valid passport with valid resident permit. Some banks recently have come up with the new rule that you must show your valid Student ID otherwise you’ll not be allowed to undergo any process. Some may also request that you pay some little fee for the USB device, some may only want the normal 15RMB ATM card fee.

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